Love of my Life

Freitag, 12. April 2013

My mystery films and series

Before my life turned upside down, I was your average semi-intellectual teacher ... but then a number of things happened to me, mostly music, but also people who could relate to this kind of thing. Somebody introduced me to a number of well-made films, heavily leaning towards the ghost-horror-suspense kind of genre (label film in this blog)
Among these, let me (part-time goth that I am at heart) call to mind one of the darkest, saddest and most bitterly romantic films ever. The Crow ... with Brandon Lee

Real love is forever

Another friend, while knowing all films of my famous list (as far as I can tell), nevertheless specialized in the modern mystery series, so popular in the US at the moment.
Something interesting happened: While the intellectual in me saw what utter crap they were, the romantic soul got rather hooked nonetheless.

So let me introduce you to the first among these ... Game of Thrones .... Seasons 1 and 2 out and available in Germany, season 3 out (and, I think available, in the States). A glorious fantasy saga set  in an imaginary medevial world, dealing with the bitter powerstruggle of rivaling Houses for the High Kingship in their world.

There be Dragons

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