Love of my Life

Dienstag, 23. April 2013

This week's fancy ...

an old book:
Currently, I am reading Simone de Beauvoir again, my third book of her's this year:  "A broken woman" it may be called in English, but I don't know. "La femme rompue" in French. Three women, three stories at a breaking point.
I find that I like Simone de Beauvoir immensely ... not so much because she tells interesting stories about women, but because she tells interesting stories. Full stop.

"Lebhaft, heiter, charmant ..." wiederholte ich.
"Wie siehst du dich denn selbst?" fragte sie etwas verlegen.
"Als einen Sumpf. Mein Ich ist im Schlamm versunken."
"Du wirst dich wiederfinden."
Nein, und das war vielleicht das schlimmste. [...] Ich weiß weder wer ich bin, noch wie ich sein müsste. Ich habe keine Umrisse mehr. Wie soll ich leben, wenn ich an nichts glauben kann, nicht einmal an mich selbst?

and a new CD
 ... which isn't so new after all, but merely the latest CD I purchased. It is no secret that I am very partial to soft, deep voices, singing true and bitter songs about the ways of life ... I always thought that And also the Trees was a dark wave/chanson band that many other's emulated. For example, I have often read that the singer Veljanov, when singing solo, sounds a bit like "And also the Trees". "The Beauty of Gemina" have always had an instrumentation not too different from a And also the Trees and similar vocal parts, too. 

This time, however, I found the similarities very pronounced indeed. In many pieces, I wouldn't be able to tell one from the other ... 

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